Timezone: Europe/Berlin (CET - UTC +1/CEST - UTC +2)
We provide current information about infrastructure and service availability below. If you experience service impacts or performance issues please contact our helpdesk or our Service Desk.
No incidents reported
Affected Components: SysEleven Stack API, region FES
Incident Start: 8th May. 2023/02:50 pm Incident End: 8th May. 2023/04:47 pm
Customer Impact:
Affected Components: SysEleven Stack API, region CBK
Update: 02:55 pm
The root cause of the problem was identified and solved
Affected Components: MetaKube Platform, all regions
State: Fixed
The MetaKube API has an increased response time. Running workloads are not affected.
We are investigating the root cause to find a fix asap.
Update 18:08: The API is response time has lowered again. Incident over.